Monday, December 27, 2004
Roasted Lamb with Winter Savory
Hello everyone! I had an absolutely lovely Christmas; spending the morning with my family, visiting our friends and trying lots and lots of cookies, and then in the evening my dear friend Andrew made a goose with chestnuts and prunes. Fan-tastic. It was a meal for the ages. Now I am off to Chile and Argentina, (what a little jet-setter I have become!) and won’t be posting for some time. (The 12th at the earliest.) I am very excited to spend New Years Eve in South America because it will be so warm! What fun. When I get back I will, of course, post some of the new recipes I have tried, but in the mean time, try this and as always, ENJOY. OH, and Happy 2005!
2 racks of lamb, frenched
1 cup sun dried tomatoes, oil packed (you could use fresh tomatoes, but in the winter, I avoid them)
10 cloves of garlic
½ cup dry white wine
1 large bunch winter savory or other assorted mixed herbs
1 bunch fresh mint
salt and pepper
a pinch of sugar
¼ cup champagne vinegar
¼ cup best quality olive oil
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees
Make a cross hatch pattern on the fat side of the lamb, cutting through the fat, but not the flesh.
Season the lamb with salt and pepper, then brown a large pan over medium high heat.
In a large roasting pan, toss the tomatoes and garlic and half the savory with some salt and pepper.
Place the lamb on top of the vegtables, add the wine and put in the oven, uncovered, for 35-40 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a blender puree the remaining winter savory and mint with the sugar, some salt and pepper and the vinegar together with the olive oil to make a sauce.
Serves four
“Inside the prison nicknamed Camp Cupcake, media mogul Martha Stewart
is exploring new dishes in microwave cooking -- first it was flan, now it's
Vietnamese food, according to insiders. It's clear Stewart isn't feeling merry
spending Christmas in the slammer, but she does have newfound reason
to celebrate as the year draws to a close -- shares of Martha Stewart Living
Omnimedia are up roughly 150% this year as the home decorating diva stands
to become a prison folk hero in Johnny Cash-like style.” -Variety.
Interersting information on Champagne for your holiday reading pleasure
What is Winter Savory?
Friday, December 24, 2004
Christmas Recipe
Tonight is Christmas Eve (I figure I explained Hanukah, so I'd best explain Christmas too...oh wait, everyone knows what Christmas is! LOL) and here is my recipe for a Merry Christmas:
Wake Up. Count Blessings. Repeat.
The U.S government has told representatives of several charities that it is unable to honor
some earlier promises and would have money to pay for food only in emergency crises.
The cutbacks, up to $100 million, come at a time when the number of hungry in the world
is rising for the first time in years and all food programs are being stretched.
As a result, Save the Children, Catholic Relief Services and other charities have suspended
or eliminated programs that were intended to help the poor feed themselves through
improvements in farming, education and health. –NY Times
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Well, this whole nomination for a Food Blog award has definitely raised the amount of visitors I get to this little site! Thank you to everyone who has stopped by. What a thrill to know people are reading and trying my recipes. Too fun. I really do love posting them. Today I am making a few dishes for a client’s holiday party. While I know I SAID I wasn’t catering anymore, she is so fabulous and so undemanding I just couldn’t say no. One of the items she requested was ratatouille, a southern French (OK, Provencal) dish of mixed vegetables and herbs. Here is that recipe…enjoy!
2 green peppers, seeded and cut into medium squares
2 red bell pepper, also seeded and cut into medium squares
1 large red onion, medium dice
3 cloves garlic, minced fine
2 smallish eggplants cut into small cubes
One 16 oz. can of diced tomatoes in their own juice (I like Muir Glen brand)
3 medium zucchini, cut into rounds
1 tablespoon capers, RINSED for Heavens Sake!
3 tablespoons Herbes de Provence
Salt and Pepper to taste
Olive oil
In a large saucepan, stir-fry the onion, garlic and peppers in olive oil over medium-high heat for three minutes or until just cooked (the peppers should stay crisp) remove from pan and set aside. Add a touch more oil and sauté the eggplants until they are cooked through. Add the rest of the ingredients, cover and let simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Adjust the seasonings and serve.
Serves four to six
Capers are the immature flower buds of the prickly caper bush.
“The company that makes sucralose informed customers last month that it could not
keep up with demand and that all shipments would have to be rationed on a monthly
basis and calculated from past sales.” –New York Times
ConAgra foods makes Hebrew National kosher meats, Chef Boyardee canned pasta,
Slim Jim meat snacks, Butterball turkeys, Hunts Tomato Products,
Orville Redenbacher popcorns, Jiffy Pop Popcorns, Wesson Oil, Chung King Asian Foods,
Healthy Choice and Wolfgang Puck Food Products. Among many others.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Sunomono Salad
This week has been so amazing! First, I was nominated for a food blog award, and NOW I have been offered a little side job giving cooking tips on the radio! (More details on that as I get them) needless to say, I am a supremely happy girl. The cooking classes are going well too, of course. Today I taught some basic Japanese food to three adorable surfer boys who wanted to learn how to make sushi (“But no shark, ok? We don’t eat them, they don’t eat us.” Too cute.) Living in Los Angeles, we have access to some great Japanese markets, I can go completely crazy shopping there sometimes – all those interesting seaweeds, bean paste treats and sparkling fresh fish, plus the irresistibly beautiful and inexpensive table wares - it seems like there is something new to try every time I go. If you are in LA, I really recommend Safe and Save (yes, it’s a funky name) on Sawtelle in West LA. The owner is the nicest man, the fish extremely fresh and the selection and prices are amazing. And bonus! Free Parking in the back. For the class today we made miso soup, basic maki, inside out rolls, spicy tuna hand rolls and some sunomono salad. They got more rice on the floor than into the rolls, but it was a super fun experience and really made me smile. Plus, they loved the food, and all promised to try it on their own sometime. Here is a ridiculously easy sunomono salad recipe for you to try. I know its not that most Christmas-y recipe, but I promised to post a non-dessert…enjoy!
1 English (hothouse) cucumber
1 red chile pepper, sliced into thin rounds. If you don’t want it spicy, just add some sliced red bell pepper
6 tbsp seasoned rice vinegar
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp toasted sesame seeds
Peel the cucumber and slice it as thin as possible. (Now is definitely the time to break out that mandolin, or V-slicer) Toss with everthing else but the sesame seeds. Let it marinate for 15 minutes, then top with sesame seeds and serve as a light and refreshing salad.
Serves four
A cup of sliced cucumber contains 14 calories
The 100 specialized receptor cells on each taste bud pick up five different
flavors: sweet, sour, salt, bitter and umami.
The Arabs built the first “industrial” sugar refinery on the island of Crete, which they
renamed Qandi, around the year 1000, The word candy comes from this word,
which means “candied” or “crystallized.”
Temperature covers up bitter flavors. That’s why coffee tastes better hot than cold.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Rum Raisin Rice Pudding
So much to say, so little space (at least, space people are willing to READ.) First off, I want to thank everyone (meaning, Julia and my father…Hi Daddy!) who nominated this site for a Food Blog award. I am touched. And blushing! If you want to read more about The Accidental Hedonist (sponsor of the award, and overall great blog) you can visit that site and (you know, if you want…) vote! Thanks again to them and everyone, I’m super excited. Now, on to the recipe du jour. I made a dinner the other night for two absolutely adorable attorneys (Straight, smart, cute, funny and SINGLE attorneys ladies. One of whom owns a house that would make your head spin. Can you say VIEW? Please email for info. Wink.), the menu included Roasted Tomato and Braised Garlic Soup, Radicchio and Baby Spinach Salad with Prosciutto and (Maytag, if you must know) Blue Cheese Dressing, followed by Argentinean Rolled Flank Steak, Wild Mushrooms with Caramelized Pearl Onions and Cardamom Spiced Sweet Potatoes. For dessert I served Rice Pudding with Persimmons and Cranberries with Cinnamon Cream. Everything came out really well, and I was super pleased. I know I talk about persimmons a lot, so I will leave them out of the mix today and just give you a basic rice pudding recipe. The holiday season has me posting a lot of desserts, so I promise my next post will be for something savory. Until then, try this and ENJOY!
1 cup organic raisins
1/4 cup dark rum
2 ¾ cups whole milk
1 cup white sugar
1 cup Arborio rice
Pinch of salt
1 vanilla bean, sliced lengthwise
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Rinse rice well in a large sieve under cold running water, then transfer to a bowl. Add 2 cups cold water and let stand for 1 hour. Drain rice.
In small saucepan, combine the raisins and rum and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. (Or to be quick, put them in a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds) Remove from heat and allow to steep while the pudding is being made.
Combine the milk, sugar, salt and rice in heavy medium saucepan. Scrape in seeds from vanilla bean; add bean and bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer about 35 minutes until the rice is cooked through and much of the liquid is absorbed. Discard the vanilla bean when cooked.
Using electric mixer, beat cream, cinnamon and vanilla extract until medium peaks form. Fold the whipped cream and the raisins into the rice pudding. Pour everything into a shallow bowl and cover with plastic wrap, pressing it directly onto the surface of the pudding, and refrigerate until chilled.
The name raisin comes from the Latin racemus and
means "a cluster of grapes or berries"
Leonard F. Pickell Jr former President of the
James Beard Foundation was indicted on
grand larceny charges in the theft of at least
$50,000 to cover personal debts and forging documents
for reimbursement of expenses.
He was arrested and was just released on bail.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee
I am just giddy today! First of all, it is an absolutly BEAUTIFUL day, and I just got back from the ever-inspiring Hollywood Farmers Market (which is just as lovely in the winter, if less populated), but also because some of my dear friends and readers nominated this site for an award at Accidental Hedonist! I am SO touched. What a sweet thing to have done! I certainly have no chance of winning against darling Clotilde at Chocolate & Zucchini, so I am just excited more people will know about my little site and hopefully will check back often. AND NOW...for today's exciting recipe...CREME BRULEE! If you want to "brulee" with a fancy torch, try this one! Enjoy!
4 cups heavy cream
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
8 large egg yolks
½ cup white sugar (or, better yet, vanilla sugar)
¾ cup light brown sugar (or sanding sugar)
In a small pan, heat the cream with the vanilla bean over medium heat. Remove from the heat (and if you have time, let the bean steep in the cream for up to an hour. At this point you can also add flavored tea, citrus peel or minced ginger for additional flavor. Reheat the cream before using if you allowed it to steep.)
Preheat your oven to 300 F, with the rack in the center.
Place eight 6-oz. ramekins in a roasting pan (one with sides, not a cookie sheet) and set aside.
In a small bowl, whisk the yolks until just blended. Slowly whisk in the white sugar. Remove the vanilla pod from the cream and scrape the seeds (using a paring knife works best) back into the cream. Slowly beat the hot cream into the eggs, whisking all the time. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve into a large measuring cup, then pour into the ramekins. (That are set in the roasting pan.)
Place the roasting pan on the center rack of the oven, then pour enough hot water to reach half way up the sides of the ramekins. Bake until just set, about 30 minutes. When done, remove the ramekins from the water and place on a wire rack to cool. Refrigerate until cold. At least three hours.
Before serving coat each custard with a thin layer of brown (or sanding) sugar. Place under the broiler or use a small blowtorch to melt the sugar. Serve immediately.
Serves eight.
Creme Brulee is French for Burnt Cream
The official state dessert of South Dakota is Kuchen
During the holiday season, more than 1.76 billion candy canes are made
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Hazelnut and Chestnut Cake
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…Jack Frost nipping on your nose…" How come we think of Chestnuts so often this time of year (at least, I do) but it seems like only the French are out there eating them in the streets (actually, according to my brief online research – see below – the Chinese are really the ones eating them) all hot and toasty and creamy and delicious. Have you ever had a roasted chestnut? They are something out of this world. Since it’s a little late to be getting any fresh ones this year (most places are sold out, there is only a limited supply every year) maybe you could try this cake instead. I really love it. You can substitute any nut you like for the hazelnuts…
1/2 cup butter
1 cup chestnut flour* plus additional for dusting
1 cup hazelnuts, without skins, chopped (you can buy them this way, or do it yourself)
1/4 cup chocolate chips (optional)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs, separated
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
Preheat your oven to 350°F.
Butter the pan and dust with chestnut flour, knocking out excess.
Sift together chestnut flour, baking powder, and salt in bowl, then stir in nuts and chocolate chips.
Beat together egg yolks, butter and brown sugar with an electric mixer at high speed until thick and pale. Add the flour and mix just to combine (if you over mix, the cake will be tough)
In a large bowl with clean beaters, beat the three egg whites and a pinch of salt until they form soft peaks. Add remaining the white sugar a little at a time, beating, and beat until whites just hold stiff peaks. Fold one third of whites into batter to lighten it, then fold in remaining whites gently but thoroughly.
Spread batter in pan and rap pan on work surface once to release any large air bubbles. Bake 30 minutes, then loosely cover with foil and bake until a wooden pick or skewer inserted in center of cake comes out clean, 10 to 15 minutes more. (Cake is naturally dark.)
Transfer cake in pan to a rack and cool 30 minutes, then remove side of pan and cool completely before serving. Try this with whipped cream that has a touch of orange zest and Frangelico in it...yum.
BONUS RECIPE! How to roast a chestnut:
Soak the chestnuts in a bowl of water for about a half-hour to soften their shells. Cut a slit crosswise through the middle of the shell around its rounded side. Bake them in a 450-degree oven for about 15-20 minutes or until they split open and their meat is soft. Wrap them in a towel or napkin for a few minutes and serve them warm.
The American Chestnut was the dominant tree in the Appalachian Mountain
range until the late 1800's when a blight (brought in on Chinese Chestnut trees)
killed off most of the trees. They still do exist in small areas, but are not
the dominant tree they once were.
Speaking of China, the Chinese consume 40% of the world's supply of chestnuts.
Source for Chestnuts
Friday, December 10, 2004
French Onion Soup
So my little peaches, I hear you like onions! Excellent. They are abundant in the market, inexpensive and versatile. So with that covered, the next step is to see if you like cheese and aren't afraid of your broiler. If you are good with those things too, why not go ahead and make some French onion soup? It's ooey gooey, rich and hearty, sophisiticated (as long as you can get that first bite without spilling the whole bowl. A challenge indeed) This recipe calls for a basic browning of the onions, but if you want to go all out and caramelize them, the soup will be all that much better. Try it, and enjoy!
4 large onions, sliced as thin as you can get them
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon minced fresh oregano (optional)
1 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary (optional)
1 tablespoon flour
1/3 cup port wine
4 cups beef or mushroom stock (I use a combo of both)
4 slices bread (the staler the better)
2 cups grated gruyere cheese
In a medium sized soup pot over a low flame, melt the butter. Add the onions and herbs. Stir to coat. Cook for about 30 minutes or until softened and browned, stirring frequently.
Sprinkle the flour over the onions and stir to coat. Add the broth and bring to a gentle simmer Season to taste.
Ladle the soup into four oven proof bowls. (I suggest having the bowls on a sheet pan so it's easier to transfer them to the oven once they are filled) Top with a slice of bread and some grated cheese.
Adjust the top rack in your oven to accomadate your bowls and still be about 4 -6 inches below the broiler flame.
Broil the soup until the cheese is melted and just browned, about 2 - 3 minutes. With extreme caution, remove the soup from the oven and serve.
Makes four servings.
Tawny Port is aged in a cask. Ruby port is aged in the bottle.
The ancient Egyptians worshipped the onion, believing that its spherical shape and concentric rings represented eternity.
King Louis XV of France is one person credited with the invention of this dish. It is said he returned late one night to his hunting lodge, and all that was on hand were onions, butter and champagne. He mixed them together and created the first French Onion Soup. Because, you know, Kings are always fiddling over a hot stove...

2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon minced fresh oregano (optional)
1 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary (optional)
1 tablespoon flour
1/3 cup port wine
4 cups beef or mushroom stock (I use a combo of both)
4 slices bread (the staler the better)
2 cups grated gruyere cheese
In a medium sized soup pot over a low flame, melt the butter. Add the onions and herbs. Stir to coat. Cook for about 30 minutes or until softened and browned, stirring frequently.
Sprinkle the flour over the onions and stir to coat. Add the broth and bring to a gentle simmer Season to taste.
Ladle the soup into four oven proof bowls. (I suggest having the bowls on a sheet pan so it's easier to transfer them to the oven once they are filled) Top with a slice of bread and some grated cheese.
Adjust the top rack in your oven to accomadate your bowls and still be about 4 -6 inches below the broiler flame.
Broil the soup until the cheese is melted and just browned, about 2 - 3 minutes. With extreme caution, remove the soup from the oven and serve.
Makes four servings.
Tawny Port is aged in a cask. Ruby port is aged in the bottle.
The ancient Egyptians worshipped the onion, believing that its spherical shape and concentric rings represented eternity.
King Louis XV of France is one person credited with the invention of this dish. It is said he returned late one night to his hunting lodge, and all that was on hand were onions, butter and champagne. He mixed them together and created the first French Onion Soup. Because, you know, Kings are always fiddling over a hot stove...
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Rosemary Shortbread
This time of year it is all about cookies...and while I know a lot of adults still have a sweet tooth (my father, for example.), I find that if things are too sugary they just don't taste good to me. That is why when I have guests and want to bake cookies, I make these. They are simple, elegant, sophisticated and not cloying. Enjoy! OH - and yesterday in the LA Times Food Section, Russ Parsons wrote an article about what a great thing Japanese knives are...please see my post from a few days ago to see my (exact same!) opinion on that matter!
1 cup flour
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
3/4 stick butter, softened
2 tablespoons white sugar
1/4 cup confectioners sugar
Preheat oven to 300°F.
Whisk together flour, salt, baking powder, and rosemary in a bowl.
In another bowl, mix together the butter and sugars then add the flour mixture and mix with your hands until the dough resembles coarse meal with some small (roughly pea-size) butter lumps. Gather dough and form into a 9 inch square baking pan that has been lined with parchment. Use your fingers to make the dough as even a thickeness as possible. Using a sharp knife, score the unbaked shortbread into small squares (I did 6x6)
Bake the shortbread in middle of oven until golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool. Transfer with a metal spatula to a cutting board and cut along score marks with a large heavy knife.
Rosemary is native to the sea cliffs of Spain, Italy, France, and Greece.
Its original Latin name of "ros-marinis" means "mist of the sea."
Rosemary is said to be the herb of remembrance ("There's rosemary, that's for remembrance;
Pray, love, remember. "- Hamlet, Act 4) and in English Tudor times brides wore it to show
they would always remember their families.
It was burnt at shrines in Ancient Greece to drive away evil spirits and illnesses and sprigs
were thrown into graves by ancient Greeks and Romans to signify their desire to remember
the departed. In some European countries that is still a custom.
In Sicily, the tale is told of Circe, an evil sorceress who drove men to hurl
themselves into the sea. A blue-eyed woman was so distraught
at the loss of these men that she turned into a rosemary bush, clinging to the cliffs
in a reminder to the men to cling to life. (The flowers of the plant are blue)
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Cinnamon Hot Chocolate
".. Another storm system will affect central and Southern California today and tonight... "
I am so cold I can barely type. It is 55 degrees out after all. Why oh why is my heater so far away from my computer? Sigh. I should make some chili today…but for now I am counting on this to warm me up.
1 ½ cups milk
¼ cup heavy cream
¼ cup hot water
4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
1/2 teaspoon instant espresso powder
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
Combine everything in a saucepan over medium low heat. Stir until chocolate melts. Increase heat and bring just to boil, stirring often. Remove from heat and whisk until frothy. Drink.
Have you ever tried Fran’s chocolates? The Macadamia Gold Bar is chocolate perfection.
1797, Goethe took a trip to Switzerland, but refused to do without his favorite treat.
Not knowing the quality of Swiss chocolate, he packed his very own supply from Germany.
Labels: Drink of the Week
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Potato Pancakes
Hanukkah begins tonight at sundown. It recalls the story of the ancient Jewish Maccabees, who restored their synagogue in Jerusalem after it was desecrated by oppessors who had forbidden the Jews fto practice their religion.
Re-dedicating the synagogue meant re-lighting the eternal lamp. There was only enough oil to burn for a day, but it burned for eight days, until a supply of oil was found. This miracle is recalled each year as Jews around the world celebrate Hanukkah and eat fried foods such as donuts and latkes.
3 or 4 large baking potatoes, grated
1 cup (cold, leftover) mashed potatoes
3/4 cup finely grated onion
3 large eggs, beaten
3 teaspoons salt
pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 to 4 tablespoons flour, plus more as needed
Vegetable oil for frying
Put the grated potatoes in a large bowl, cover them with water and let soak for at least 15 minutes (or up to 1 hour) to remove the excess starch.
Rinse the potatoes and drain well, squeezing them with your hands to remove excess moisture. Combine the potatoes and the mashed potatoes in a mixing bowl with the onion, eggs, salt, pepper, baking powder and 2 tablespoons flour. Stir well. Add more matzo meal if too much liquid accumulates in the bottom of the bowl.
Pour the oil into a large frying pan to a depth of 1/4 inch, and heat over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot but not smoking, gently drop the potato batter by large spoonfuls into the hot oil, pressing down on them lightly with the back of the spoon to form thin pancakes about 2 1/2 inches in diameter, keeping the latkes about 1/2 inch apart. Do not crowd.
Fry the latkes until they are browned on one side, then turn and cook them until browned on the other.
Remove them to a paper towel-lined platter to drain, blotting off excess oil. Transfer to a plate and put in a 200° oven to stay warm.
Repeat until all the batter is used up, adding a bit more matzo meal or flour to the mixture as more liquid starts to collect in the bowl, and squeezing out the extra liquid. Skim the surface of the oil to remove any floating potato bits, which can burn and give the oil an off-flavor. Discard the oil when it begins to brown and use fresh oil as needed.
Serve with apple sauce or sour cream.
More info on this holiday:
Monday, December 06, 2004
Broiled Pears with Leeks
I have a new love in my life. The Concorde Pear. (I got mine at Whole Foods) One bite into its perfection and I was hooked. This divine fruit was ripe, juicy, full of flavor, not at all mealy (a common pear complaint) has a thin skin and in season right now. I looked it up online (since the pear itself had a sticker promoting a website right on it…how convenient…) and learned: “The Concorde pear is well known for it's abundant juice and sweetness. Concorde pears have a beautiful shape and crisp texture with less russeting, but are not commonly available in the United States. Concorde pears can be eaten almost immediately upon purchase. As the pears ripen they become more golden, slightly softer and mellower in flavor. The dense flesh make them an ideal cooking pear. A completely unique quality of this remarkable pear is that it is very slow to turn brown, as do nearly all other pear varieties. This feature alone provides an excellent pear for fresh salads or fruit compotes and deserts.” - Remarkable indeed.
Though it is touted as the best pear for baking, I still think it is outstanding eaten just plain…on the other hand, it would be delicious served as a communal appetizer, like a raclette.
1 Tablespoon butter
1 leek, cleaned and sliced into very thin half moons then sautéed
4 Concorde pears, Peeled and cut into chunks
1 teaspoon Dijon style mustard
3 tablespoons dry white wine
1 scant teaspoon minced fresh rosemary
Lots of black pepper
2 cups Gruyère or raclette cheese, grated
A loaf of white bread (cibatta would be great) cut into cubes, for serving
Turn on your broiler
Butter a medium sized oval or rectangular baking dish.
In a bowl toss together the leeks, pears, mustard, wine, rosemary and pepper. Pour into the baking dish and top with the cheese. Broil 6 inches from the flame for 3-5 minutes or until the cheese is melted and slightly browned.
Serve to your guests with bread.
According to Scarborough Research, young adult drinkers,
ages 21 to 34, are more willing to pay for premium wine than
the generation of 35-to-54-year-olds. Younger drinkers are
84 percent more likely than the average adult to spend $20
or more for a bottle of wine. And 21- to 24-year olds are 29
percent more likely to buy Champagne/sparkling wine.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Roasted Beets with Dry Aged Goat Cheese
Last night I had the nicest little dinner party with my two closest girlfriends, Claire and Julia. It is amazing how a little food and a lot of laughter can raise ones spirits. They are two VERY funny ladies for sure. I served a pork loin braised in a honey-beer sauce with apples and onions; an interesting baked pasta with pumpkin, smoked chiles and Mexican cheese and was an eclectic dinner (I just used things in the fridge, which is always fun.). So here is that recipe. One of the great side benefits to baking and roasting and what all is that when your oven is on, the room warms up so nicely and smells so good too! Beats turning on the heater any day. Enjoy!
4 Medium (tennis ball sized) beets, red or yellow
Olive oil
Zest of one small orange
½ teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
Coach Farm Dry Aged Goat Cheese (stick. It looks like a tiny log of Parmesan.)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Preheat your oven to 400.
In a small oven proof pan, (a loaf pan works really well) add the beets and about an inch of water. Coat the exposed beet with some olive oil and cover the pan with foil. Roast for 1 hour or until the beets are easily pierced with a knife. Remove from the oven and allow to cool a little.
While the beets are cooling, combine the orange zest, rosemary, vinegar and olive oil in a bowl.
When the beets are cool enough to handle, peel them and slice into half moon shapes. Toss with the dressing and add some of the aged goat cheese (I used about a tablespoons worth, adjust that to your taste.)
Serves four.
Coach, the leathergoods company, is owned by the Sara Lee Corp.
In 1921 General Mills created fictional spokeswoman
Betty Crocker so that letters could go out with her signature.
There was a Granny Smith though. - Maria Ann Smith, was an Australian gardener.
Smith had found a seedling growing where she had thrown out some apples,
she began using the fruit for cooking, and was soon marketing the fruit.
It is believed to have originally come from the seed of a French Crab apple.