
Saturday, September 22, 2007

German Cabbage Salad

And here I sit.

Hung over as can be.

Too much beer, I fear.


We hit an early Octoberfest potluck party, repleat with Ommpah band and lederhosen. It was enough to make a girl long for the old country. Even if that country isn't her own. Beer was flowing, people danced. It brought a tear to my eye, I tell ya, a tear. Of joy.

The Ombudsman, being a German-American had graciously (if somewhat clumsily) acted as my sous-chef for this vibrant delight, and while he claims it is particularly inauthentic, he still contends it is lip smackin good. So there you go. From the horses mouth. Or, should I say, from the mouth of das pferd.

Inspired. Tangy. Crisp. Sweet. Sour.

Try it my peaches, and taste the joy.

1 head of red cabbage
4 red onions
1 cup brown sugar
2 cups red wine vinegar
2 cups cold water
Caraway seeds
Black pepper

Okay, so you slice the cabbage as thin as can be. Then you do the same with the red onions.

Grind about a teaspoon of caraway seeds.

Combine the sugar, vinegar, water, a bit of the caraway seeds and some salt. Add the onions, and simmer for 30 minutes. Taste and adjust any which way you think it needs.

Let that cool completely, then toss it with the cabbage. Let it all just sit and get mellow. Sprinkle with some more caraway, then eat. Makes a whole-lotta-food.


The Dutch originated coleslaw: kool means cabbage and sla means salad

Caraway seeds are not actually seeds, but the small ripe fruit of the caraway plant

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