
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Books: Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant

The lovely people who published, Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant, by editor Jenni Ferrari-Adler, sent me a copy for review ages ago, and I have have been remiss in blogging about it. (Mostly because I savored it for so very, very long.)

Bad Rachael, no donut.

So to them, I offer my apologies, and to you my readers, I offer the opportunity to read a fantastic book.

The basic query Ms. Ferrari-Adler posed is, "What do you eat when you are alone?" And the answers are a collection of often touching, terribly hilarious, essays of beans-or-pasta-eating-over-the-sink-in-a-tiny-apartment brilliance. I loved it. It's like taking a peek into the secret lives of people, and learning we are all more alike than we think...

With some of my favorite authors contributing, and some reprinted classic food runs the gamut of emotions and is always charming and readable.

So next time you sit down to a meal alone (or daydream you may have the chance to do so), don't just stare at your plate, open this book, and devour it too.


Interested in other blogger reviews of this book? Check out this, this and this!

Want to read an excellent book review in The East Hampton Star, written (the review that is) by Ms. Va-Voom herself? (Nothing about that is food related, I just am proud of my girl!)

According to a study, eggplant absorbs more fat in cooking than any other vegetable. When researchers deep-fried a serving of eggplant, they found that it absorbed 83 grams of fat in just 70 seconds—four times as much as an equal portion of potatoes—adding more than 700 calories. - Wellness Encyclopedia

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great read. Good timing too as my nightstand is empty right now (except for a few of those magazines that arrive in the mail wrapped in opaque plastic *sheesh*).
