Monday, August 06, 2007
Cherries Jubilee

So remember last week when I took a hiatus from my blog?
Yea, me too.
Good times, good times.
Oh wait, not SO good.
But actually, now that I mention it, still in progress…the hiatus I mean. (What can I say, I'm still a busy girl...)
And yet, here I be. Bloggin’ away.
I just had a few loose ends and didn’t want to leave them hanging, as it were.
So the hiatus is on hiatus, and it is time to say a few words of love…big, heartfelt, full-to-the-brim and possibly overflowing, love for my friends.
I am one blessed lil’ kitten to have many good friends.
Some who I had lost touch with and found through their blog, some who make TV shows, some who I met through their blogs, some who have no idea what a blog is, and some who…I have never met.
Let’s talk about that lot.
First, there is Columbus Foodie, who I “met” (though, I know and read her blog) through Dispensing Happiness, ( What a fab woman) and her Blogging By Mail extravaganza.
Oh wow. Here is a person I have never laid eyes on, and yet love. She gave me a gift after all. I’m easy that way.
Last week, there arrived (shamefully, opened many, many days after receipt. Gulp. Sorry.) in my doorway , a box of her extraordinary home made jams, a bag of incredibly cool multicolored local popcorn, the coolest note and an Ohio restaurant review magazine, all of which rocked my world. I was just floored. And thankful.
Then, there is this woman. (Hear her roar.) Shauna, of Gluten Free fame. Another woman who I have never laid eyes on, and yet, recently invited me to her wedding. (!)
Of course, being a total dolt, I didn’t open the invite until yesterday (ergo my horrible manners and complete lack of acknowledgment and thanks. Which I am in the process of remedying. Promise.). I was so touched, so overwhelmed, so floored, so flabbergasted, I cried. (And again cursed myself and my bad mail-gathering habits.) And it made me realize that (kinda) knowing people like her is one of the many reasons I blog.
But back to the jam…one of the sensational jams Columbus Foodie sent along (along with a fragrant Pumpkin Butter, simply delicious Strawberry and heady Mixed Berry. All made by her with local ingredients. How much do you love that? Sigh.) was Sour Cherry. I was head over heels enamored. I fully admit, I ate it all. Lip smacking goodness. That is one girl who can jam...
I loved the sour cherry jam in particular, I think, is because we don’t get fresh sour cherries much in these parts. And apparently they are the only type one should cook with. Despite my recent forays into sweet cherry baking.
See, I now know sour cherries are for cooking and not the sweet ones because I also got a box of sweet Washington Cherries, from Eliza at ChefShop.
How come?
Why, my dear-heart, Gluten Free Girl of course.
I guess Eliza of ChefShop asked Shauna who she thought might like some of their deep red delights, and my name was offered up. And when they came, I (was totally shocked) emailed darling Eliza with a few questions, (and many thanks) and she told me that sweet cherries a la Washington are for eating, and that’s it.
So I ate my fill and shared some of the many pounds that arrived with some of my “real world” friends.
And lo, it was good. And better, and the best.
But wait…there’s more…since I'm speaking of jams, and blog-friends and whatall...
I am compelled to mention one last virtual friend. Who I think appreciates a good virtual tale indeed, and hopefully is reading this. Yet another person I have not met, and yet (sincerely do) adore. A woman who was asking recently about jam. Maybe I could coerce Columbus Foodie into sending her some…make things a full circle. With no loose ends. To bring a smile to her face as well.
Okay my dolls, that is all for now.
I will be back…but for now, the hiatus continues…
The cherry symbolizes the sweetness of character that is derived from good works.
Cherries Jubilee - A dessert of pitted Bing or other dark red cherries, sugar and Kirsch or Brandy, which are combined, flambéed and spooned over vanilla ice cream. - Epicurious
The concept of the Jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. - Wikipedia

So remember last week when I took a hiatus from my blog?
Yea, me too.
Good times, good times.
Oh wait, not SO good.
But actually, now that I mention it, still in progress…the hiatus I mean. (What can I say, I'm still a busy girl...)
And yet, here I be. Bloggin’ away.
I just had a few loose ends and didn’t want to leave them hanging, as it were.
So the hiatus is on hiatus, and it is time to say a few words of love…big, heartfelt, full-to-the-brim and possibly overflowing, love for my friends.
I am one blessed lil’ kitten to have many good friends.
Some who I had lost touch with and found through their blog, some who make TV shows, some who I met through their blogs, some who have no idea what a blog is, and some who…I have never met.
Let’s talk about that lot.
First, there is Columbus Foodie, who I “met” (though, I know and read her blog) through Dispensing Happiness, ( What a fab woman) and her Blogging By Mail extravaganza.
Oh wow. Here is a person I have never laid eyes on, and yet love. She gave me a gift after all. I’m easy that way.
Last week, there arrived (shamefully, opened many, many days after receipt. Gulp. Sorry.) in my doorway , a box of her extraordinary home made jams, a bag of incredibly cool multicolored local popcorn, the coolest note and an Ohio restaurant review magazine, all of which rocked my world. I was just floored. And thankful.
Then, there is this woman. (Hear her roar.) Shauna, of Gluten Free fame. Another woman who I have never laid eyes on, and yet, recently invited me to her wedding. (!)
Of course, being a total dolt, I didn’t open the invite until yesterday (ergo my horrible manners and complete lack of acknowledgment and thanks. Which I am in the process of remedying. Promise.). I was so touched, so overwhelmed, so floored, so flabbergasted, I cried. (And again cursed myself and my bad mail-gathering habits.) And it made me realize that (kinda) knowing people like her is one of the many reasons I blog.
But back to the jam…one of the sensational jams Columbus Foodie sent along (along with a fragrant Pumpkin Butter, simply delicious Strawberry and heady Mixed Berry. All made by her with local ingredients. How much do you love that? Sigh.) was Sour Cherry. I was head over heels enamored. I fully admit, I ate it all. Lip smacking goodness. That is one girl who can jam...

See, I now know sour cherries are for cooking and not the sweet ones because I also got a box of sweet Washington Cherries, from Eliza at ChefShop.
How come?
Why, my dear-heart, Gluten Free Girl of course.
I guess Eliza of ChefShop asked Shauna who she thought might like some of their deep red delights, and my name was offered up. And when they came, I (was totally shocked) emailed darling Eliza with a few questions, (and many thanks) and she told me that sweet cherries a la Washington are for eating, and that’s it.
So I ate my fill and shared some of the many pounds that arrived with some of my “real world” friends.
And lo, it was good. And better, and the best.
But wait…there’s more…since I'm speaking of jams, and blog-friends and whatall...
I am compelled to mention one last virtual friend. Who I think appreciates a good virtual tale indeed, and hopefully is reading this. Yet another person I have not met, and yet (sincerely do) adore. A woman who was asking recently about jam. Maybe I could coerce Columbus Foodie into sending her some…make things a full circle. With no loose ends. To bring a smile to her face as well.
Okay my dolls, that is all for now.
I will be back…but for now, the hiatus continues…
The cherry symbolizes the sweetness of character that is derived from good works.
Cherries Jubilee - A dessert of pitted Bing or other dark red cherries, sugar and Kirsch or Brandy, which are combined, flambéed and spooned over vanilla ice cream. - Epicurious
The concept of the Jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. - Wikipedia
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If you could see fit to send me Sam's addy via email, I'd be more than happy to send a jam care package her way, especially since my husband made a delicious batch of strawberry-peach jam this weekend.
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the package. I was hoping our novice jam-making skills were up to par (since this year was the first time we canned, ever - and the sour cherry was like the second jam we ever made).
Hope you come off of hiatus soon. I've been missing your posts and hope you start blogging again soon!
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the package. I was hoping our novice jam-making skills were up to par (since this year was the first time we canned, ever - and the sour cherry was like the second jam we ever made).
Hope you come off of hiatus soon. I've been missing your posts and hope you start blogging again soon!
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