Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Five Gifts for Food Lovers
Five gifts for food lovers...
Okay my sweet peaches, it's that time of year again (wait, it's been that time since the day after Halloween, hasn’t it. Darn marketers!) and you are wondering what to get your food-centric friends that, as of yet, remain un-gifted.
Well fear not my darlings, I am here to offer up a few gems for you to click on and purchase, making more time for parties and gorging and general revelry.
So let us begin.
First up...

Maybe it's that they are perfect and large and golden and delicious. A pure taste of summer any time of year.
Or maybe it's because they come from Oregon. So many good things come from those parts.
Any which way, they are tasty. I always make sure to have some on hand. They are divine and make the perfect, unexpected hostess gift.

It’s an amazing cause and the prizes are fantastic.
Prizes include amazing dinners with world renowned chefs, glorious baskets of local foods, books, gagets, photos and more.
A food lovers dream, and a way to do good this holiday season.
Please do your part, ya?
Just think of how your small contribution can really make a change in the life of a hungry person.
And please note, there are only three more days to get your tickets, so do this today!

Like a dream come true, it is without a doubt, one of the best food books I have ever read. If not THE best.
Passionate, honest, hilarious.
You will not be able to put it down.
Funny, charming and inspiring, this is the book everyone should read this holiday season (and every season for that matter.)

Maybe tongs arn't the most GLAM gift ever, but they certainly are an essential in any kitchen.
And for my money, its the craftsman at Roesle who make the most beautiful, functional kitchen tongs around.
I own them, I use them, I love them.
Treat yourself, or someone you love. They are, in a word, indispensible.

And last but not least,
Tipping Cognac Glasses.
There isn't much to say here, I think the picture does all the talking.
I mean come on kids!
These are so chic and fab, you just know
you' ll want a set for yourself too! (Heaven knows, I do!)
Well my dears, those are my suggestions. I hope some of them spark your imagination.
If not, check out my past post on the subject too. There certainly will be something there that will wow you!
Happy holidays!
All of the photos in this post were taken from the websites that are linked to.
King Leo brand has been making delicious Peppermint sticks since 1901.
Super Bowl Sunday ranks as the third-largest occasion, behind Christmas and Thanksgiving, for Americans to consume food, according to the NFL.
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*love* the congac glasses! its such a shame its too late for me to chrismas shop, i supposre i'll just have to buy them for myself :)
so glad you mentioned the unprejudiced palate. I read it earlier this year and fell in love. am planning to try and follow his bolognese recipe over the holidays...
Aria - Oh yes, you MUST.
Erin - Dude, that is awesome. I find his recipes daunting, so I can't wait to hear how it comes out!
Erin - Dude, that is awesome. I find his recipes daunting, so I can't wait to hear how it comes out!
Thanks for the Unprejudiced Palate rec. I just ordered it for a pittance at
Found you via a random link here:
Good stuff, thanks!
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Found you via a random link here:
Good stuff, thanks!
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