Monday, March 28, 2005


Orange Juice

Last night I took a long drive (made shorter by the company of the best friend a girl could have…Claire) to John Wayne Airport in Orange County to pick up sweet Colin. Some of you may think of that silly TV show when I mention Orange County, but to me it conjures only one image (ok two, but I ignore Disneyland as best I can)…Orange Groves. True, by the time I was born, most of the groves had already been turned into quickie housing developments, (as they had been here too) but somehow in my mind, when you say Orange County, I can almost smell the fragrant blossoms in the air. It brings me back to a time when my we would go visit my Grandfather and every morning he would squeeze an entire pitchers worth while the coffee brewed and our family would gather around his big kitchen table to start the day. I may be sentimental, but a tall glass of fresh squeezed juice is my idea of heaven.

Looking back through the recipes on this site, I notice a huge percentage have oranges as a main ingredient, which doesn’t surprise me at all, but I never included directions for the simplest of orange recipes, orange juice. This is more tips than anything else, but I do hope you will go out and get some juicy oranges, and squeeze your own glass of California sunshine.

Six medium sized juicing oranges, chilled (I used organic sweet Texas oranges from Whole Foods)

Roll the oranges on the counter top to loosen up the juice
Squeeze (I use a Krups citrus juicer)
Chill up to 20 minutes


Orange: Any of several southeast Asian evergreen trees of the genus Citrus, widely cultivated in warm regions and having fragrant white flowers and round fruit with a yellowish or reddish rind and a sectioned, pulpy interior, especially C. sinensis, the sweet orange, and C. aurantium, the Seville or sour orange.

The word orange comes from a transliteration of the Sanskrit naranga, which comes from the Tamil naru, which means fragrant

In 1873 three navel orange trees were brought from Brazil and planted in Riverside, California. The trees started producing fruit in 1878. Today, one of the three original trees is still alive and producing fruit!

There are more than a thousand varieties of oranges, including Joppa, Valencia, Texas Sweet, Baker Sweet, Maltaise Blood Orange, Moro, Washington Navel and many, many, more.

Fresh squeezed orange juice has a dramatic effect on me. It has a sweetness and texture that quenches your thirst, and gives you a sugar boost, but is as clean and nourishing and as vital as water- which it is, for the most part. So it is a sublime water. I remember when my parents first brought home a juicer, the taste of fresh squeezed orange juice was just amazing. All of us kids pretty much forgot about breakfast and juiced every orange on hand. It's interesting that you mention Santa Ana Airport- when you order an orange juice at the airport restaurant, they serve a huge glass of freshly squeezed.
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