Saturday, September 04, 2004


Hibiscus Cooler

I love cooking with edible flowers. Here is a quick and easy drink made with dried Hibiscus, a great source of vitamin C, that is available at most health food stores, and -- much less expensively--at Latino markets, where it is sometimes called Jamaica.

4 green tea bags (I use two regular and two decaffeinated)
1/2 cup dried hibiscus flowers
Zest of one large orange
1 inch piece of ginger, peeled and sliced
5 tablespoons sweetener (I use sugar. Honey or whatever else you like works fine too)
1 quart water

Combine all in a large pot and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and allow to steep for four minutes. Strain, chill and enjoy.

Green tea has been shown in studies to reduce the likelihood of breast cancer in women.


The intention of this blog is to share recipes I am developing with everyone, so you can try them and enjoy them. This blog is not really much about my life, or thoughts or politics. But sometimes, life and thoughts and politics need to be addressed. In that light, here is a link to an article that I read today that really had an impact on me. It calmed me down for a few minutes, and helped me reflect on all the good in the world. Food nourishes our bodies, life nourishes our souls. I'm off to my yoga class...

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Hibiscus and ginger is a brilliant combination. It's also very good mixed with a bit of fresh lime juice. I will have to try it with green tea.
Thanks Anna!

Funny...I just added that photo to that post today (Spet 30, 2006) and there you went and found it! Crazy!
:) I am not a stalker, I swear! Netvibes tells me when blogs I read are updated.
LOL. Oh that crafty Netvibes!
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